Eviction is an extremely difficult process, but unfortunately one that all landlords may have to face eventually. In...
Finances Articles
6 Steps to Help Parents With Disabilities Start a Small Business
Starting a new business is a major endeavor and for parents with disabilities, it can be daunting. While you want to...
How to Navigate Financial Uncertainty
Financial uncertainty can be a major source of stress and anxiety for individuals and families. It can be difficult to...
April is Financial Literacy Month
April is Financial Literacy Month and I have a challenge for you. No, it’s not some weird internet trend or TikTok...
We Have Been Featured in a Magazine! Thank You!
Average Joe Finances® Podcast was featured in Podcast Magazine’s 22 Unsung Heroes article in the March edition of the...
Six Easy Steps to Using a VA Home Loan
Serving in the U.S. Military allows service members to gain skills in leadership, teamwork, and communication. It also...
Are REITs the better real estate investment?
Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS on Pexels.com Guest article by Alexander Kelm, founder of wallstnerd.com Real estate...
Tips for Home Warranty: Managing Home Repair Costs
Guest post from the Money.com team. You think you’ve checked all the boxes when it comes to understanding the cost of...
Managing the Financial Burden of a Terminal Cancer Diagnosis
Not only does a terminal cancer diagnosis take a toll on your physical and mental health, but on your finances as...
4 Ways to Help Seniors Move on Financially After the Death of a Spouse
Average Joe Finances helps people realize their growth potential no matter their income level. We want you to become...
4 Tips for Handling Financial Tasks as a Small Business Owner
Average Joe Finances is dedicated to helping others find financial freedom. Subscribe to our newsletter and podcast...
Fast Track Your Entrepreneurial Success with Goal-Setting
You need to have a vision of the outcome you want. Otherwise, you won't know when you get there or if you're getting...