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Welcome To The Average Joe Finances® Blog

Welcome to Average Joe Finances®.  This blog will be all about budgeting and investing for your everyday “Average Joe.”  This is something that I am very passionate about. I always thought saving money and investing was too difficult to comprehend.  Trust me, it still is…  But there are some simple ways for your everyday average person to beat debt, save, invest, and be comfortable in life.

This blog is not the place to come if you think you can get rich quick. That is not what this is about. What I want to explore with all of you, are the different ways you can utilize your current income better, increase your income by building multiple streams, budget to save more, and investing your money for growth. 

I am hoping that I can share my experiences, successes as well as failures to help you not make the mistakes I have made. I want you to make good financial decisions. While I am not certified as a financial advisor or anything like that, I am a financial coach and doing my best to help others build their wealth and control their future.

Who Am I?

Here is a little about me. I am 35 years old and have served in the military for almost 17 years. After enlisting in the Navy at the lowest paygrade back in 2002, I have worked really hard to rise through the ranks and am currently an officer. Currently, I am planning to retire from the Navy in 3-5 years when I am between 38 and 40 years old. I tend to plan my life five years at a time. I am now in a place where retirement from my first career is part of my five year plan.  It’s scary, but also awesome! 

I just started using a financial advisor because I wasn’t happy with where I am at financially just yet. After sitting down with my advisor, I have come to the realization that becoming a millionaire by the time I retire is not only a possibility, but IT WILL happen. It made me think about how I’m being a little more aggressive with making my money work for me at the age of 35… What if I would have started 10, or even 15 years ago? Well, “what ifs” don’t matter much when the time has already passed. However, there are some “what ifs” that are worth talking about!

What If…

What are these “what ifs” you ask?  Great question, I’ll tell you.  The “what ifs” I am referring to are… “What if” this blog reaches out to someone who is in that age range? Another one is “what if” this blog reaches out to someone in my age range and helps them realize it’s not too late? “What if” this blog reaches out to someone who is a bit older, but helps them live a more comfortable life in retirement? That is what I the mission of Average Joe Finances®!


Again, I am not a financial advisor, but I am a coach. I want to help others get out of debt to start building their wealth and taking control of their future. Now, I have taken a few finance classes and I do use my own financial advisor to helps me with some of my own personal investing decisions. Doing your own research is critical so I do not to take what my advisor gives me as the be all end all. So, hello, I’m Mike Cavaggioni and I am just your everyday “Average Joe.” I’m trying to make a better life for my family and help others along the way.

If you follow this blog, your feedback would be great and I would love to share some of your stories with the community. I am looking forward to hopefully helping you take control of your finances and set yourself up for a comfortable future.

Mike Cavaggioni

Mike Cavaggioni is located in Honolulu, HI and is a REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, Financial Coach, Real Estate Investor, Podcast Host and retired from the US Navy. He is the founder of Average Joe Finances® and host of the Average Joe Finances® Podcast. Mike has built a community for people to come together to increase their financial literacy and build their wealth.

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