So here we go again… round 15… Yes, being a bit dramatic about it but this entire process took entirely too long. This next round of stimulus checks might not be enough to put a dent into the debt some people may have racked up during the past 8-9 months…

The last stimulus bill was passed March 27th 2020. With the CARES Act expiring at the end of the month, this small amount may be helpful for some. However, as I said in the beginning, this isn’t much help at all.
Related: Will the Stimulus Help
Related: CARES Act – Forbearance or Deferment
So, with all of that said, this post is mostly geared towards those that are still afloat during the pandemic and not behind on bills. It’s unfortunate, but a large majority of Americans will have to dump their entire stimulus check into back owed rent or other debts that have accrued over the last 8-9 months. I do empathize with you all that are still struggling… I am really hopeful that with the COVID-19 vaccine making it’s rounds; we can return to some type of normalcy within a few months…
What should I do?
For those of you that meet the criteria to receive stimulus checks that are up to date on your mortgages, rent, and payments what will you do? You are about to get $600 for yourself and each dependent 17 and under within your household. It’s not much, but for some of you, this may be a good opportunity to start investing. If you are debt free, this might be the right time. If you are not sure if the time is right for you to invest yet, check out my article on the 7 Steps to Financial Freedom or listen to the podcast episode here.
Don’t go crazy and dump everything into penny stocks hoping to hit it big. Be mindful of how you employ this money to work for you. “Free Money†most definitely comes with a price. The more stimulus payments that get issued and bailouts for corporations that happen, the more potential we have for some serious inflation. This is a good time to try and turn that $600 into something a little more.
Maybe look at investing in some REITs, index funds, or ETFs. This can be your opportunity to start building a passive income with dividend payments. It takes a lot of money to be invested before dividends start looking nice, but this can be your start.
If you have been looking to start your own business but didn’t want to cough up a few hundred dollars to start one, maybe this is the beginning. If you are able to invest this money in yourself or your business, then that works too. Maybe it’s a side hustle you’ve been thinking about. Maybe you wanted to open an Etsy shop but didn’t have the materials to do it; now you can buy those materials and get started.

The main takeaway of this post is to NOT use this money to go buy another PS5 or laptop, but to invest it into something that can help you build your wealth. Use this as your initial push rolling into 2021 to make this next year your best one yet. We all know this year was pretty much a wash… However, just because there is craziness in the world, it’s no excuse to not set goals and crush them. I started a podcast this year and it’s been awesome! Let’s roll into 2021 goal oriented and ready to attack it.