Investing Articles

Second Stimulus Round 15…

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on So here we go again… round 15… Yes, being a bit dramatic about it but this entire process took entirely too long. This next round of stimulus checks might not be enough to put a dent into the debt some people may have...

Lessons Learned Building A Strong Lease

When it comes to real estate investing as a landlord building a strong lease is a must. Having a lease with loop holes can cause holes in your pockets.

The Market is Crazy! Get In, or Get Out?

It has been clear cut to me that time in the market is more important than timing the market. As we continue down this volatile road…

7,000 Shares of Apple… WWYD

If you inherited 7,000 shares of Apple, what would you do? This is a question A user on Reddit asked the community when he recently…